Transparent Halo Pointer cabalisfun: Porta Inferno Map

Porta Inferno Map

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Journeying through Porta Inferno Map

A new map serves as every player's new playground, where their skills, armors and weapons will be tested against the brash monsters always ready to pounce on them. Now let's take a trip to the dark side of Hell.

Every man’s journey in the Porta Inferno should start from Port Lux, in front of Officer Morrison.

The introduction to the Porta Inferno is given by him. He tells you of how cowardly he has been when he first set foot on the grounds of the gate of hell. He recounts his grim experience when he once got there and then challenges you to continue what he never had the courage to do when he was young— defy the dangers of the region and discover the secrets of the Dark Clansmen. He then hands you the GPS map of PI.

If you are already level 160, you can dash your way directly to Porta Inferno via the Warp Center that branches into Lake Side, Fort Ruina and Port Lux (but you wont have the map until you get the introductory quest from Morrison).

Whichever side youre in, the portal to the map would look the same:

The first group of monsters you will encounter comes in an interesting variety:a three-headed hound (Kerberos), a purple gargoyle (Stone Gargoyle), a one-eyed monster (Beholder), and a skeleton horsey (Fallen Steed).

With decent defense you’d be able to work your way through them. With average damage, I would say they are a little hard to kill. Their spawn rate and spawn spots are also favorable. Monster levels range from 167 to 170.

Some few dashes away and you’ll meet the Dark Archers, Dark Spirits and Dark Shielders whose level range from 171-174.

At the center of the map roam the Succubus, the Hellbound and the Incubus whose levels are from 173-176.

At the center of the map you will also find the first boss you will encounter in Porta Inferno—the Manticore.

In ancient mythology, the Manticore is a legendary creature with features of a lion and a dragon. The depictions of the creature vary , but in CABAL the Manticore is more like a dragon—with dark, beautiful wings, a bulky body resembling that of a dragon, red fearsome eyes, sharp, destructive teeth and a shining, deadly scorpion tail.

The only good thing about the manticore is that it is not aggressive. It wouldnt attack a nearby character until it gets attacked. However, once damaged (directly or indirectly) it becomes enraged and starts to assault enemies close to it.

There is only one way after the Manticore boss, the more inferno like area inhabited by the Demonic Jasons, Demonic Mayotas and Demonic Alises…

Around this area you will find Dark Kimzark, the second boss in PI , a bandit/anteater-like boss who wields two daikatanas which he would swing forcefully upon you. Like the Manticore, Dark Kimzark is also not aggressive.

At this moment, you might complain about the pictures being dark and so unclear. But that’s how Porta Inferno looks like, dark and eerie (you actually need to tweak your settings so you can see more clearly).

Continuing further, you will eventually reach the end of Porta Inferno, on the north-west part of the map. Here lies the toughest monster in the map: the Keshapone Minisha.

When no one’s around he would fashionably pose like this:

But the moment an intruder steps into his territory, he starts to go wild, striking the unwelcome adventurer with his beautiful, luminous spear…

There is one fact about the bosses in PI: you cannot tackle them alone. Not only do they deal massive damage (even at bm+aura mode), they have a huge chunk of HP and above all, they have imba regen. So if you’re planning to hunt for them, make sure you have comrades at your side (unless you intend to die and go straight to hell).

Seriously, we expect them to loot better items than the earlier map bosses. The normal mobs, I assume, drop items the same way/rate monsters in PF do (plus better items since monsters here are supposed to be stronger than the others).

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