Transparent Halo Pointer cabalisfun: Porta Inferno drop!

Porta Inferno drop!

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in ,

- Force core (high)
- Force core (best)
- Upgrade core (high)
- Upgrade core (best)

-All mithril  equiment(1 slot)
-All SIG equiment (0-2 slot)
-Epaulet of guardian/saga/fighter (+7/SIG/+8)

- Critical ring +2
- Ring of luck +2
- Bracelet of fighter/saga (+2/+3)
- Earring of guard (+2/+3)
- Force Regeneration (+2/+3)
- Baempayieorik earring (+2/+3)


-Lost core strength
-Nuclear power is felt
-Plasma Coating Kit
-Quartz Core (Mithril)
-Quartz Core (Blue Mithril)
-Maeteorieol Core (Mithril)
-Maeteorieol Core (Blue Mithril)
-Formula Card No. 56 CA - Honor the Honorable rigadeu Four
-Formula Card No. 80 Astral Core (Mithril)
-Formula Card No. 100 Astral Core (Blue Mithril)
-Slot extender (Lower)
-Slot extender (medium)
-Slot extender (high)
-Flame Disc (best)
-Dark disk (best)
-Holly disk (best)
-Air Disc (best)
-Thunder Disc (best)
-Bloody Disc (best)
-Earth Disc (best)
-Aqua Disc (best)
-Soul Disc (best)
-Shape Cartridge (Sword / superlative)
-Shape Cartridge (Armor Set / superlative)
-Shape Cartridge (Battle Set / superlative)
-Shape Cartridge (Marshall set / superlative)
-Shape Cartridge (Artifact / superlative)
-Yellow shining powder
-Chaos Lamp
-Slot extender (best)
-Rune Essence (Skill EXP)
-Rune Essence (Alz bomb probability)
-Rune Essence (HP)
-Plate of Honor (Senior)
-Plate of Honor (Major)
-Soul Plates
-Seukilbuk (Sword Quake)
-Seukilbuk (Des Tempest)
-Seukilbuk (shield grenade)
-Seukilbuk (Seal Of daemneyisyeon)
-Seukilbuk (proximity Cordierite)
-Seukilbuk (Sonic Shooter)
-Seukilbuk (Offensive Blessing)
-Seukilbuk (Cause rimubeu)
-Seukilbuk (Cause Dodge)
-Seukilbuk (Fatal incremental Leeds)


-Blader:-           attack  :  Death tempest (casting time 3.0sec)
                         buff     :  Fatalily increse (critical Dmg>) party
                                    :  Curse dodge (immunity to debuff) party

-Force Archer   attack  : Sonic shooter (casting time 2.5sec)
                         buff     : Curse remove (release unmovable status)
                                    : Offensive bless ( add atk/magic atk/atk rate)

- Force Blader  attack  : Seal of damnation (casting time 3.0sec)

- Force Shielder attack : Shield grenade (casting time 3.0sec)

- Wizard                       : Meteorite (casting time 2.5sec)

- Warrior                      : Sword Quake (casting time 3.0sec)

who drop wat i still dont no but hope this list ll help u in ur hunt jyjy to all u cabaler!!

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