Transparent Halo Pointer cabalisfun: Forgotten Temple b2f guide [By OraharaNr1]

Forgotten Temple b2f guide [By OraharaNr1]

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in , ,

Original posted on by OraharaNr1

Since it contains a lot of pictures i made a pdf file which you can download here:

megaupload: FT2 guide V 2-03
mmosite download:

After the Start walk to the first room. On your way at the outside of the first U-turn you click the first desk with a burning candle to activate the first optional quest. You get the Doctor's Record #1. If you find the other 3 you will be rewarded with 100k Alz.

The Bruns and the Carabus are quite annoying for low def characters because of their damage and middle range attacks.

In the room you click the strange pillar in the right picture. This lets 5 Reddants spawn.
You must kill those 5 Reddants .
After you killed those Reddants you must click that pillar again. By doing so you get the Burned Torch

In the same room you must also click the pillar on the picture now. It gives you the quest to collect 5
Ant's Red Stone Fragment from the Graydant and 5 Ant's Seventh Stone Fragment from the Reddants in the following hallway.


While going down the hallway you come to a door which you must destroy. Behind it is a small chamber with another desk with a burning candle on it right after the door. Click this table to gain the Doctor's record #2.

After gaining the 5 Ant's Red Stone Fragment and 5 Ant's seventh Stone Fragment click this pillar and get theAnts Flame. The pillar is located in the hallway after the above little chamber before the appearance of some turns.

After you got the Ants Flame you must click this Burning Brazier #1 in order to open the gate.


The next room is the room of the first boss Ariadney.

You can spawn him by clicking the fountain.

In order to kill him lure best all the Greydant out of the room with exception of the Reddant.
You can let the mobs in the room if you all have a good def set (Mithril). In order to get the shield of the boss down you must kill the Reddant. Which you must kill again as soon the shield reappears. You'll get a Relict Chest from the boss.

While killing the boss long range attack characters like Wizards, Force Archer and magic Force Shielder can stay perfectly save in the blue marked areas and attack the boss when the shield is down. However if a character stands in the red marked areas in front of characters in the blue marked areas those in the blue area can take damage due to Area of Effect of the attack of Ariadney on the character in the red marked area.

After you killed the boss Ariadney you get the Gleaming Stone  by clicking the fountain again.
Go through the next corridor and click on the not yet burning Burning Brazier #2 in the picture.
To light it you have to find some items from the Old Crate.

The Old Crate is in the first boss room and looks like a treasure chest. By clicking it you gain the Scarab Flame #1 and the Oil Bottle  as well as the order to find the Burning Brazier #2.
Then click again on the Burning Brazier#2 on the left side of the door and as reward you get the Scarab flame #2.

In the next room is the 2nd boss Nadiel. The problem are the other mobs Mayozin in the room which have range attack and do pretty much damage. Killing Nadiel gives you the Butterfly Stone Fragment  and a Relict Chest.

Before the the exiting door of the room with Nadiel is the 3rd table with the Doctor's record #3.


In the next upcoming room is a fountain in the center. Press it and you'll start the optional quest which gives 10k honor points. In order to get them you must kill 5 of each of the following mobs: Setizin, Prown, Negrabei. The first mobs the Setizin are around the spring. And 4 additional are after the electric corridor. So kill 1 before going through it. The Prown and the Negrabei are behind the 4th boss Ispita.

The closed door in that room with the fountain you must destroy. Behind the door and before the electric corridor is the last table with the Doctor's record #4. You get 100k Alz for completing the quest.

Now comes a long corridor with electric devices which deal quite an amount of damage. Bladers best use the Intuition buff here to go through it. Other classes should use TG Fleerate Pots or bm + aura. The Force Shielder's Damageabsorb buff helps too. Also it is possible to pass it without the help of any of the previews advices it takes quiet some knowledge of the corridor to do so.

After the electric corridor you come to an U-turn. On the inside of that turn is a stone-face. With it you can summon the 3rd boss Naheim if you have the Butterfly Stone Fragment. Defeat him for a Relict Chest and the 4th boss Ispita waits behind the next door. This door you open by clicking the stonewall again.


You can summon the 4th boss Ispita by clicking on the pedestal on the picture. By doing so you get theQueen's Crown.

This lets Ispita's first form spawn. This boss has quite a high regeneration and deals good damage but else nothing special.

Defeating the first Ispita form results in the spawn of the second.
This form is always in one of the 2 cages which change place every 30 seconds. Make sure you aren't in the square where the cage will appear or else you die.

You have 20 seconds to defeat it when it spawns in a cage together with your group. Make sure you have full SP before going in the square around which the cage will appear next. As soon as the previous cage disappears activate BM+Aura and Damage/Amp Pots. As soon as it appears debuff it and activate Fleerate Pot or Intuition buff. Also a Force Shielder's Damage Absorb buff is nice there. After buffing and debuffing Ispita's 2nd form attack it with all you have so you kill it in time or else it will respawn with full HP.

After defeating the 2nd Ispita, the 3rd appears with several Jayrion mobs. Kill the Jayrions first while staying away from Ispitas 3rd form or lure it outside the room.

The reason for keeping distance from Ispitas 3rd form is that it has an 360° attack with an range of about 8 squares and an insane damage output. If there is a Force Blader in your party he should use Darkness Debuff to decrease the attack range from Ispita.

It proofed effective that the Force Archer only heals the melee characters who battle Ispitas 3rd form close by, while the other characters Wizards and magic Force Shielder dash/blink out of Ispitas range as soon as they get hit. Characters with low HP and def should use TG HP Pots to increase their Hp or might get killed with 1 hit by Ispita. Killing the 3rd form of Ispita gives a Legacy Chest.

There is a trick how you can kill the 3rd form of Ispita. A player with high def can lure Ispita to the starting place of the dungeon.

The other character of the party should clear the space from the Bruns and Carabus. The Force Archer of the party should stay in the starting area because there he is save from any attacks. He can heal from there easily the other party members. The other members attack now Ispita. As soon they die they respawn and debuff Ispita / give party buffs to party members. This way no lose of fighting strength when a member dies. But be reminded luring Ispita and getting to the boss chamber again takes some time. So choose carefully if you can't kill it the normal way faster.

After killing Ispita the door opens when clicking the pedestal again. In the following hallway there are the other 2 mobs types the Prown and the Negrabei for the 10k honor quest.

There is also some Scarabei. But be careful a 2 sided trap is active which deals quite an amount of damage. To switch it so that it does no damage on the first part of the way you must click the following pillar which is a bit further down the hallway. By clicking that pillar you switch the trap from the area after Ispita's room to the pillar to after the pillar to Senilla's room. After the group arrived at the pillar press the same pillar to switch the effected area again.

Move along that corridor you will come along a platform with some Prowns and Senilla on it on your right side. Ignore it for now if you want to start the hidden quest which gives the 2 chests In the room with the next boss Trugater is a fountain. Click it to finish the 10k honor quest.

With the fountain there is also the boss Trugater and some Jayrions. Defeating the 5th boss Trugater gives you a Relic Chest and theTrugater Spear  which you need to open the next door by clicking the .....


Now you have to decide if you want to do the hidden boss Nola Ispita.

1) Not killing Nola Ispita

It is advisable to kill all the mobs (Vallist, Macadum,Ingrozi), when you have low def because you have to go back and forth several times.


At the junction right after the door you opened with the Trugators Spear you turn left. Don't go right and don't click the Queens Jewelery Box.

Now go in the red colored room with the Queen's Crown in the inventory and talk with the Red Mutant Statue #1. You can do this still after you defeated Arzip. This will allow you to pass through the door to Ariyak.

Then kill the monster boss Arzip at the gate to the last boss. After That talk to the Red Mutant Statue #1 if you haven't done it yet.

Killing Arzip will start a timer of 3 minutes in which you must defeat Ariyak.

Then click on a doorway before Ispita's room, which you are now able to use after talking to the Red Mutant Statue #1. You will be teleported to the 6th boss Ariyak.

If you don't kill Ariyak in the 3 minutes it will be surrounded by a shield which nullifies all attacks.

In case you weren't able to kill it in time move back to Arzip and kill it again for another 3 minutes time to kill Ariyak.

Killing Ariyak gives a Relict Chest.

After Killing Ariyak talk with the Red Mutant Statue #2 in the room and you'll get the Ariyak's Amour.

Now use the Gate to get out of this room.

Continue with the way to Tyrant.

2) Killing Nola Ispita

After the door turn right to a short way at it's end is a chest, the Queen's Jewelery Box. Click it and you'll activate the 2 chest hidden quest.
After that move back to the platform and kill the slug boss Senilla. He doesn't give a chest.
After that the next boss, Nola Ispita, will spawn immediately which must be killed with all his forms.


If you die there you need to use a portal, which is located at the end of hallway which is next to the plateau where Nola Ispita now is. This you must do in order to get back there, since there will be a barrier at the entry to the plateau.

The first form is Nola Ispita alone. And shouldn't be much trouble.

The second form appears with 3 fake forms which also deal damage. You must kill the real Nola Ispita . If you kill a fake form all 3 other Nola Ispitas disappear too and all 4 spawn again with full HP (After several times there will be 5 fake forms). You can distinguish the real Nola Ispita from the fakes by searching the form which regenerates HP and has a lot of it. This is the real form which you must kill. It sure would be good to separate the fakes from the real Nola Ispita or you can't use aoe attacks since the fake forms would die else.

At this point a Force Shielder would be very helpful for sure who can tank the fake forms in Art of Defense and the Taunt skill.

Then the 3rd form appears. Which should be no problem again, it only has high regeneration rate and an huge amount of hp.

Killing it will give you a Legacy Chest.

Then you can go back to the 1st boss Ariadney room and click an blue burning Brazier to spawn the 2 Treasure Chests. One of it will give you a quest item, the Hidden Helper T's Puzzle Piece, which is needed to start the Hidden Helper Quest number 50, the other a core or some Alz. You can't open both.

Next click the Blue Mutant Statue #1, with the Queen's Key in your possession, in order to open the door before Ispita's room.

Now kill Arzip, which is in front of the doorway to the last boss Tyrant. Killing him will start a timer of 3 minutes in which you have to kill the next boss Artoorbar.

Now enter the gateway before Ispita's room.

Kill the boss Artoorbar which resides in that room. Upon the death of Artoorbar appears a Relic chest.
Now talk with the Blue Mutant Statue #2. This will give you the Artoorbar's Amour.
Now you can go to the last boss Tyrant.

Going to last Boss Tyrant

Go to the place where Arzip was and click the wall. You will be transported to a corridor.

Next you have to click on this device which will open the way to Tyrant's chamber.

In order to spawn Tyrant click this device.

Tyrant itself deals great amount of damage. About 3k damage for each character. He also has a ranged aoe attack.

If you die while fighting Tyrant and the barrier is up, you must click this this devise to be teleported in the chamber where Tyrant is still waiting.

Made by (GA)Orahara

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