Transparent Halo Pointer cabalisfun: cabal new update

cabal new update

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in ,

4,3 updates options

1. Copy, Auschneiden and inserting for the chat inserted.
# over mouse and SHIFT selectable
# control: STRG + C/X/V

2. To see Buffs of other players under the name (with clicked CHA)
# upper one row Buffs, lower DeBuffs (CHAS)
# with Mobs is the upper one for DeBuffs

3. Sound for Whisper message
# under options - > Notify Whisper
# if chat the window is open, is activated the sound.

4. Server time
# over “/time” is indicated the current time.

5. Quest Belohnugen

# Quest Belohnugen will be readable now at each time.

5. New ring Slots

There are 4 ring Slots (Crit rate Cap is with 30% in the Slots)

With empty Slot “Waist” is indicated


NOTE: Belts (belts) are added with the next update!

6. New Buff Caps


7. Battle Style Lvl UP (BSLV) rewards changed

1. Changes

With characters those LvL 20 or like that are already, nothing are geänert.
With Chas the LvL 10+ is and the Quest already locked, Stone or Aqua aura is automatically selected.

2. Specially Belohnugen for lvl 0-35


2,1 Genaurees


8. New features

1. Aura off lvl 10 and Class lvl 2

2. Chaos arena entrance marks

3. Pet shade and EXP visibly

4. HP down/Heal indicates
# before: Red orange
# now: HP down purple one, Heal green

5. Axp information added (if mouse on the border is)

6. Warning windows with Cha change or server change

9. Training equipment


2. Changes the map characteristics
# FGR: Mobs have smaller rank
# LS: LS3 off lvl 110
# MF: Lumperjack and Entritas immunity deleted

3. In FGR, LS, MF, PF are placed MObs at other places.

4. Telex BM2 changes
# of fast
# telex BM2 ATK damage being based on ATK value.

5. FB BM2
# normally ATK is now being based on the ATK value and no more on the MAgic

6. Buffs/Stats
# WA max ATK vonn 500 on 1000
# FB rate Cap rose from 25% to 50%

7. Set rewards

8. Panic Cave

# Mobs are 30% more weakly
# Nualle´s speed is smaller
# in all stages are possible for “EPIC” aka Imba drop

9. Warp gate environment changed
10. Wärend one with a NPC does not speak can one Skills Lvln
11. Map Design mini icons changed

12. Temp INventory (under “X”) opens only if somewhat in it is.
13. Picture

14. The Warp gate appears, if one goes from a map to the other one, was removed.
15. During discussions with NPCs, using by Skills is no longer possible.
16. Symbols, which NPCs and party - members represent, were renewed.
17. The temporary inventory opens now only, if Items in it are there.
18. The symbols for Event - notes were changed.
19. Cool down - announcement for used Skills was changed.
Before: The Skill symbol will during the cool down time darkly, and becomes again bright, if the cool down time past is.
Again: After the Skill was used, the surface in the clockwise direction becomes ever more brightly, suitable the cool down time.

20. The Pet - Exp is indicated now on two decimal places.

21. The Scroll border for the chat box or Game Message was changed.
If the border were pulled on a special place, it remains there, even if new words in the box appear
If there is no message in the boxes for a certain time, the letters disappear gradually.

22. Assistance were added and changed

23. The cool - time time of the Raise Spirit Buffs of the Wizard was changed.
The cool - time refers now to the respective player, who gets the Buff.
If the cool - time of the Buffs is more vorrüber, it can do is replaced however only those receives it, with which the cool - time of the Buffs is already more vorrüber.
The cool - time amounts to 5 minutes per a character and it cannot not be gone around through reloggen, dies etc.
If the cool - time less than 30 seconds amounts to, the Skill - symbol flashes no longer.
Player-dependent cool - time symbol for Raise Spirit was added.
If the Skill is used on a player, a Debuff remains similar icon with it that for 5 minutes remains.
The icon stands there, no matter whether one dies or reloggt.
If a character the cool - time has, it persists 5 minutes, independently the status of the character.
If a player out-logged himself and its cool - time 4 minutes amounted to, it has only 1 minute of cool - time, if it logs in after 3 minutes again.
24. Wärend of the Wiz BM2 are used by car Ataclkk automatically 2 Skills from the Slots.
25. By “Enter pressures” one knows chaos arena and the nation was entering, if the “Pop Ups” appears.
26. By “Enter pressures” into a party will come deleted.
27. Rolling/Dash/flash/Fade step can one in the Jail no more did not use.
28. “Show all Available Quests” in the Quest Tab automatically selected.
29. The sale price of “Duration Items” is now smaller than the Non Duration. (NPC probably)
30. Blended of run activation by red writing in the PvP/PK indicated.
31. The message when opening chaos lamps and core Cubes deleted.
32. RH-Spawn time of Mobs was shortened. (With “+” Mobs it was halved)
33. Quests text was partly changed.
34. If Items in the personnel shop are sold, the message is indicated to the Pris accordingly in verscheidenen colors.
35. For SKill climb restriction changed.
# before: Apprentice starting from LvL20 + Class climb 3
# now: Apprentice lvl 10 and Class climb off 2
36. Mana (MP) consumption bvei activation of the aura lowered on 20.
37. Skill information text changed
# ADD DMG indicated in figures
# ATK/MAGIC ATT AMP was changed to Sword/Magic Amp.
# Buff duration indicated in figures (no comma numbers/decimal pay).
38. Car Attack and Combo
# before: After Combo BREAK is gestopt Skill.
# now: After Combo BREAK is continued to lead Skill.
39. Higher Alz drop rate, smaller Alz drop Amount (number of the Alz, which dropte).
40. Santa Fury Epaulet at the NPC to sell now possible.
41. If one opens as Magic Cha Skill of Tabs, the Magic Tab is opened automatically as standard.
42. New titles
43. Gild Warehouse camp Gebür is indicated.
44. Gild title added.
45. Registered Formula cArds in the “Tool hint” indicated.
46. If around BIND Item in a party one geloet, with everyone the Item description is indicated.
47. “Hide Message” to the NPC Item sale inserted.
48. All names are indicated to each map in the Warp.
49. New “labels” with the LvLn added of Skills. (Annimationen vllt)
50. After Battle Style lvl 10 UP Quest, 5000 FR as reward added.

10. Mission was

1. New rewards
# Winning bonus everywhere usable, also in Dungeon.
# +10% AXP with the Winning bonus added.
2. Santa Fury Epaulet on TG servers not portable.
3. Building rules changed.
# if one on a Bike/a board is cannot one not build.
# after Nutztung of a FT panel gives it 3 seconds coolly a time.
4. Vitally Gears
# vitally Gear and Towers are used at the same time (BSP HEAL).
# vitally Gear in the lobby usable.
# HP Gear every 7 seconds usable
# FR Gear always usable.
5. Each party Member can build now Tower or call a Guardian. (Without party not)
6. %-system
# winner nation has: only -5%, then -10%, then -15%, -20%, -25%, after -25% are set it to -15%.
7. After the death of a Chas, which has a Legacy Weapon on, this is used automatically.
8. Be Buff Potions have now a LvL restriction.
9. Sword/Magic master Potions drop rate equal as Legacy Weapons.
10. Item plumb bob time on 10 seconds lowered.
11. Indicate errors repaired by party and Instant Item windows.
12. Force of tower Bulding after menu enter the TGs are not angeziegt. - Repaired
13. Marked points on the map are not indicated. - Repaired
14. Name repaired announcement error.
15. Force Tower, Legacy Guardian, Legacy Barrier, legend? s Ensign, was gate became on LvL “Balanced”.
16. Being gate RH-Spawnt every 3 minutes after destroying.
17. Party master announcement error repaired. (GPS)
18. Pet shade to was to be seen.
19. HP car Rstore error Korfigiert.

this is copy from

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