Transparent Halo Pointer cabalisfun: November 2009

In the inside of the Dungeon^^

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in ,

the inside of Lake In Dusk

The inside of Ruina Station

The inside of Tower of the Dead B1F

the inside of Tower of the Dead B2F

Explaining Attributes (for by Snuse

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in

This guide explains what various attributes does.

So, you ll Enjoy it.

Skill exp per skill:
Gives you more skill EXP for each skill you use, the maximum capacity to have in a set is +38 ( counting full set ) If you have a total of more then 38, lets say 48, you have 10 points for nothing.

Adds EXP to your total skill level and ranks. More skill EXP+ means you gain skill EXP faster. This allows you to level up your attacks/buffs and gain higher ranks which strengthen your character.

Critical Dmg inc:
Increases the power output of a critical hit, adding extra damage. (Blue Dmg)

Critical Rate inc:
Increases your chance of getting a critical hit (blue dmg) when using a skill.

Best way to get high critical rate is to use Ring Of Luck+2 for level 53 or higher. They give 15% each, which is ALOT!

Capped at 50%, but can be increased with Max Crit Rate items.

Magic/Sword Amp:
AMP means Amplified and adds a cirtain % of your normal damage.

Amp is very good for players who hits around 2000-3000 with normal hits, imagine using a total of 42% amp when you normally do 3000 dmg, 42% of 3000 = 1260.

Which means you will normally hit 4260 instead of your previous 3000.

Hp/Mp steal - X% of the total damage:
Steals HP/MP from monsters that you hit.

If you have 5% HP steal for example, and then hit 5 monsters for 1000 damage each, you will steal 5% of 5000.

For best use of HP steal I personally recomend using Gloves of Vampire with 3 or 5% HP steal, two Vampiric Earring+2 or higher and Vampiric Amulet +4 or higher.
So, you don't really need a full vampiric set to get good use from it.
With those you might not have to use Pots when hunting! Which Is nice!

MAX hp/mp steal per hit:

Increases the maximum HP or MP steal as said above.

Alz drop ammont:
Monsters drop more money.

Hit rate:
Decreases the chance of missing a monster with a skill.

Is based on the opponents Def rate aswell.

By the way, you never miss when you use combo, so use it!

Decreases the ammont of damage taken from monsters.

Def rate:
Increases the chance of monsters missing you when trying to hit you.

Which in turn leads to you taking less damage from them.

Is based on the opponents hit rate aswell.

Flee rate:
Decreases the chance of monsters hitting you when you are running.

So it increases chances that a mob will miss, is not related to Def rate.

E.G: If I have 50% flee rate, I will dodge 50% (on average) of the attacks. If I increase it, the percentile of misses increases. Non-applicable for boss-mobs.

Min damage UP:
Increases minimum damage output.

E.G: If a skill does 500 damage at it's lowest point and I equip a +10% Min damage item, the lowest possible damage that skill can now deal is increased to 550.

Max critical rate:
Highest base critical rate is 50%. Max crit rate items can heighten this.

E.G: If I wear a suit with +2% Max crit rate, the maximum critical rate I can now achieve is 52%. Anything higher than that will be ineffective.

Add damage:
Gives you some extra damage on top of your normal damage.

1 or 2 slot item drop - X times:
Increases your chance of finding 1 or 2 slotted items in monsters.

E.G: If I had 2.5x 2slot drop I would get double slotted items 2.5x more often.

I.E. 100 on average a day would increase to 250 on average per day.

We hope this was helpful!

(GA)Mortech & LegendarySannin aka Harsisus.
There is no maximum capacity ... for magic the best value to have is 42 skill xp while for sword it's as much as you can carry (50+ even)

The fact that the efficiency drops after you go past a certain value is true. But that value is not 38.

Magic is surely 42 . I have yet to find the best skill xp number for sword skilling.

Vampiric data is erroneous also

This is how it works :

The formula works like this :

You have one HP point limit per level . This means that at level 4 you will have a natural 4HP stolen per hit , at 120 , a natural of 12HP stolen per hit.

EX : Your level / 10 = maximum HP stolen (without items influencing)

Now, in order to exceed the normal HP gain, i need to equip items with +HP stolen per hit.

The amount of life leeched is based on the damage dealt and the amount of % Stolen per hit from items.

If I deal 2000 damage , I will be able to leech 200HP . But my limit is 12 , since I am level 120. The difference up to 200 (this means 200 - 12 = 188) , the rest of 188 must be gained from +HP Stolen per hit items, in order for me to reach maximum leech efficiency.

Cabal: Altar of Siena B2F Guide

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in ,

First of all, click the statue when you are warped inside the dungeon:

Then, kill all Cannibal Murshid for you to be able to use the first warp door

Now, this is kinda tricky. You have to kill the 2 cannibal Marp AT THE SAME TIME.. My advise it, have your pt bring down their HP at half. Then, have a Wizard (dual caster) or a Force Archer (Twin Gunner) kill them. A "Hurry Up" will appear. Dash your way to the warp door. Else, you have to do it again.

After Killing the Marps, Destroy the Sid Gate:

Dungeon Drops

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in ,

Lake In the Dusk ( lid ).

Equipment :~ Pherystin, Titanium ( wt 0,1 or 2 slots) , Aqua ( wt 1 or 2 slots) , Shadowtitanium ( wt 0,1 or 2 slots) ,
Osmium (wt 1 slot ) , Lapis ( 2 slots).

Epaulets :~ Shadow Epaulet of Fighter/ Sage / Guardian +5.

Accessories :~ Adept Bracelet +0,1 , Earring of Bless +0,1 , Amulet of Guard +6.

Materials :~ Material Core (Titanium) , Quart Core (pherystin ).

Formula Cards :~ No. 032 , 035 , 039 , 040 , 041 , 042.

Others :~ Extract Potion , Upgrade Core (Medium / High ) , Force Core (High),
Slot Extender
(Medium ) , Astral Bike ( Blue ).

Ruina Station (RS).

Equipment :~ Pherystin, Titanium , Aqua ( wt 1or 2 slots) , Shadowtitanium ( wt 0,1 or 2 slots) ,
Osmium (wt 0,1 or 2 slots ) , Lapis ( 0 or 1 slots).

Epaulets :~ Epaulet of Fighter/ Sage / Guardian +6.

Accessories :~ Amulet of Guard +6/7.

Materials :~ Astral Skull , Unknown Machine Part , Material Core (Titanium) , Quart Core (Aqua ) , Disk LV 3.

Formula Cards :~ No. 006, 032, 039, 040, 077, 078 , 091 , 096 110 , 113.

Others :~ Extract Potion , Upgrade Core ( High) , Force Core (High)
Plasma Coating Kit ,
Slot Extender (Medium ) , Astral Bike ( Blue ).
Astral Bike (rw3 )

Tower of the Dead (B1f) (EODb1f)

Equipment :~ Osmium (wt 0,1 or 2 slots ) , Aqua (0,1, or 2 slots)

Epaulets :~ Epaulet of Fighter/ Sage / Guardian +6

Accessories :~ Amulet of Bless +3 , Force Regeneration Amulet +2 , Force Adsorb ring +2 , Amulet of Guard+7 ,
Ring of Fighter/Sega/Champion +7

Materials :~ Astral Skull

Formula Cards :~ No. 032 , 111, 113

Others :~ Extract Potion , Upgrade Core ( High ), Tower of the Dead B2f , Astral Bike (RW3)

Volcanic Citadel ( SOD )

Equipment :~ Osmium (wt 0,1 or 2 slots ) , Redosmium (wt 0,1 or 2 slots) , Topaz (wt 0,1 or 2 slots) ,
Shineguard (wt 0,1 or 2 slots ) , Teragrace (wt 0,1 or 2 slots) , Mystic (wt 0,1 or 2 slots ).

Epaulets :~ Epaulet of Fighter/ Sage / Guardian +6/7.

Accessories :~ Bracelet of Fighter +4 , Extortion Bracelet +4

Materials :~ Astral Skull

Formula Cards :~ No. 056 , 060

Rare Items :~ Astral Bike ( RW3 ).

Others :~ Upgrade Core ( High ).

Tower of the Dead (B2f) (EODb2f)

Equipment :~ Osmium (wt 0,1 or 2 slots ) , Redosmium (wt o or 1 slot , Topaz (wt 0 or 1 slot) ,
Shineguard (wt 0 or1 slot ) , Teragrace (wt 0 or 1 slot) , Mystic (wt 0 or 1 slot ).

Epaulets :~ Epaulet of Fighter/ Sage / Guardian +6/7.

Accessories :~ Earing of Guard +0/2/3 , Bracelet of Fightter/Sega +0/1/2/3 , Mana AbsorbBracelet +0/1/2/3 ,
Earing of Guard +0/1/2/3.
Materials :~ Astral Skull

Formula Cards :~ No. 087 , 088 , 097 , 098 , 099 , 103 , 104 , 107

Others :~ Upgrade Core ( High )

Forgotten Temple (B1f) (TF b1f )

Equipment :~ Redosmium , Topaz , Shineguard , Teragrace , Mystic (wt 0,1 or 2 slots).

Epaulets :~ Epaulet of Fighter/ Sage / Guardian +7/8.

Accessories :~ Extortion Bracelet +2/3/4 , Bracelet of Fightter/Sega +2/3/4 , Vampiric Earring +2/3/4 ,
Bracelet of Seven Coins +2/3/4, Earring of Seven Coins +2/3/4 , Bracelet of Sage +2/3/4
Force Regeneration Earring +2/3/4

Materials :~ Shape Cartridge (lv4) , Disc (lv4) , Powerful Core

Formula Cards :~ No. 056, 080,100

Others :~ Upgrade Core ( High ) , Astral Bike (RW3) , Slot Extender (Highest)
Force Core (Highest) , Glory Portion (lv3).

Tower of the Dead (B2f) (EODb2f)

Equipment :~ Osmium (wt 0,1 or 2 slots ) , Redosmium (wt o or 1 slot , Topaz (wt 0 or 1 slot) ,
Shineguard (wt 0 or1 slot ) , Teragrace (wt 0 or 1 slot) , Mystic (wt 0 or 1 slot ).

Epaulets :~ Epaulet of Fighter/ Sage / Guardian +6/7.

Accessories :~ Earing of Guard +0/2/3 , Bracelet of Fightter/Sega +0/1/2/3 , Mana AbsorbBracelet +0/1/2/3 ,
Earing of Guard +0/1/2/3.
Materials :~ Astral Skull

Formula Cards :~ No. 087 , 088 , 097 , 098 , 099 , 103 , 104 , 107

Others :~ Upgrade Core ( High )

Forgotten Temple (B1f) (TF b1f )

Equipment :~ Redosmium , Topaz , Shineguard , Teragrace , Mystic (wt 0,1 or 2 slots).

Epaulets :~ Epaulet of Fighter/ Sage / Guardian +7/8.

Accessories :~ Extortion Bracelet +2/3/4 , Bracelet of Fightter/Sega +2/3/4 , Vampiric Earring +2/3/4 ,
Bracelet of Seven Coins +2/3/4, Earring of Seven Coins +2/3/4 , Bracelet of Sage +2/3/4
Force Regeneration Earring +2/3/4

Materials :~ Shape Cartridge (lv4) , Disc (lv4) , Powerful Core

Formula Cards :~ No. 056, 080,100

Others :~ Upgrade Core ( High ) , Astral Bike (RW3) , Slot Extender (Highest)
Force Core (Highest) , Glory Portion (lv3).

that is all i hv so far i but i ll sure 2 keep updating it ...
hope it ll help u all in ur hunt^_^

Altar of siena B1f guide

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in ,

When you warp in you will instantly see a tiny little person.  Click on the tiny little person to activate quest.
Tip: Before clicking on the tiny little person, make sure your party is fully buffed and in bm2 and aura with trans.

Ruina Station ( RS )

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in ,

  1. Enter the portal in the West corner of Fort. Ruina.
  2. Head forward until you arrive at the Invader Mecha Ape T-2 boss.
  3. Kill it, with all the surrounding monsters nearby for extra XP. A treasure chest will drop and the gate will open.
  4. Continue through the container yard until you arrive at the Invader Mecha Ape T-B boss.
  5. Kill it. A treasure chest will drop and the gate will open.
  6. Cross the bridge and continue until you arrive at the Invader Excavator-R2 boss.
  7. Kill it. If you're low level (<90), you will probably want to use Battle Mode. A treasure chest will drop and the gate will open.
  8. Cross the bridge and follow the path until you arrive at the Invader Mecha Buffalo+ in the Stone Statue room at the end of the path.
    • Each of the 16 stones spawns 2 Invader Mecha Buffalos when killed. They can provide great XP, especially when in a party. If you are weak you may want to avoid the stones.
  9. Kill the buffa. The door will close and the Invader Mecha Bear boss will spawn in the room. If you are locked outside, look for the nearby portal to get back in.
  10. Kill the bear. A treasure chest will drop and the gate will open.
  11. Continue until you arrive at the Controller YS.
  12. Kill it and a giant Invader Mecha Spider boss will spawn.
  13. Kill it and several Invader Auto-Cannons will appear
  14. Kill them while you wait 90 seconds for another Mecha Spider to spawn.
  15. Kill it and the trashcan-like objects will illuminate and become Controller CYs, spawning some invincible Invader Electric Birds.
  16. Kill the controllers while you wait 120 seconds for the final boss Invader Mecha Spider to spawn.
  17. Kill it and a treasure chest will drop.
  18. Make sure that you pick up the drop of the last chest before you leave the dungeon.
  19. Clicking OK you will return to Fort. Ruina and receive a reward of 150 Honour Points.


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