Transparent Halo Pointer cabalisfun: Upping your Game in Nation War..!!

Upping your Game in Nation War..!!

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in ,


Is your nation is always losing?, Not scoring enough points? Want to improve your ranking? Then this guide is for you!

In this short guide, I will try my best to help you improve your standing in Nation War(LvL 95-170). I will also be assuming that you have been to the LvL 95-170 Nation War at least once, and understand(roughly) what's going on.


1)My 5 Golden Rules of Nation War
2)Making the Right Choices
3)Forming Parties
4)Commanding your Nation
4-1)Leading the Assault
4-3)Planning Ahead
4-4)Simple stratergies used in Nation War
5)Eye of the Mind

The 5 Golden Rules of Nation War

Alright. You're here because you want to win. Not only are you content with winning, you wanna get your war points as high as possible, hopefully getting into the ranking positions. Now how are you gonna do that? All you gotta do is to follow these simple rules:

RULE 1: Always have a Plan

The key to winning ANY NW is to know what's going on, and to MAKE SURE others around you(your warmates) knows what's going down and they are doing it right. That's what the "lobby time" is for. So don't waste it!

It dosen't help when everyone is absolutely clueles on what to do and they start running around and farming towers. You DON'T WANT that to happen. When it happens, you'll probably lose no matter how well you perform.

Rule 2: Aim Priority Targets First

What do I mean by "Priority Targets"? These are the mobs of the most important value in your area of sight. For me, I use the following system: Guardian>Player>Tower. This means that attacking the Guardian is the most important thing to do, followed by killing enemy players, then attacking the towers(which is something you shouldn't be doing in the first place. I'll elabourate more on this later)

Even when you attack players, there is a rule to follow. You would wanna attack any Legacy Weapon holder FIRST. Even if a big mass of, say, 4 people attack you, go for the person holding the Legacy Weapon first. Not only does it deny the opposing nation of one of the most useful assets in NW, it also relieves you of a large proportion if incoming damage, allowing you to hold up longer if you manage to chase or kill the LW holder(preferably kill). A special case would be the Force Shielders with Art of Defence on. My advice is DON"T WASTE YOUR TIME! You'll probably do extremely low damage (1 1 1 1 75 or smething like that), which could be better used on other targets.


After this, you'll probably think I'm insane... but don't be afraid to tank and die. Especially if you're some lvl 128 guy in the lvl 95-129 war... Dying isn't something to be shameful of. If you don't know already, the points you get in war is calculated by: (Damage Recieve + Damage Dealt)/10000 or something like that. So the more you tank, the more points you get!

Of course, don't die with the LW.... It'll probably go into enemy hands, and that's something you don't want. The other time you don't wanna die is when there is absolutely no ress, or the ress is very far away(eg. from base to center). Walking wastes time AND splits your team, making it easy for the enemy to farm on you.

Rule 4: Build, Build, Build!

The most important thing in Nation War(besides teamwork) are the towers. Especially the Ressurection and Warp. Therefore, you should grab every opportunity to build! Okay... towers are no one will balme you if you are a party member/solo player and you don't build any towers. On the other hand, party leaders! You have the "ability" to convert points into towers! Use it! As a party leader, you job is to summon guardian and build towers! Lots of them! (Be advised: using points to build towers isn't gonna get you more points... Unless you have too much alz and can easily pay for each tower, do ensure you get 30 points as soon as possible)

Rule 5: Know your role in Nation War

As a player, its important to work well with your teammates (Anyone who plays DotA should know what's coming). What are you good at? What are you NOT good at? Knowing this, you can thus work better with your fellow warmates to secure victory. As an example, range classes should never be in front in a mass push. Why do you want to waste the advantage of your range and stand right in front with the melee classes? Most melee classes have some form of tanking ability (High DEF Rate for BL, High HP for WA, High DEF for FS,Debuffs for FB), so there is no need for you to be "up close and personal". Instead, go ahead and abuse your range while the enemy is busy dealing with the melee characters!

Making the Right Choices

This is the important part. How you react to the environment is important.

As I mentioned in my 5 Golden Rules, you NEED to make the right choices when you are on the offence/defence. What do you hit first? What not to hit? What to do when the world falls apart?

1) Firstly, It is important for you to follow Rule 2. Usually this would tell you everythig you should or should not do when you attack/defend points. BUT, should your war buddies come up with some plan, then its best that you follow.

2) Something that you shouldn't do in NW is to farm on towers. Why do I say that? Firstly, farming on towers isn't really gonna give you more points than pushing as a nation. Secondly, It dosen't do any good unless you happen to destroy the enemy ress/warp.

Another thing that should not be done is to spam shout how we're screwed/you're in WL and want in/you are selling X items and not offer any constructive advice. It causes other people to lag over nothing and generally causes you to waste alot of time better put in supporting your nation.

3) Its important to know your limits. You know you're weak, you just made the level to enter NW ect. Thus, you shouldn't be concerned about soaking in the damage(you'll probably die as fast as you got in), nor should your concern be dealing massive amounts of damage(not that you'll do much since the average player level is higher than yours anyway). Therefore, opt for a supporting role(eg. tower building) to be of better help to the nation, rather than be some "free feed" for the enemy.

4)Strategic tower placement is impartant for leaders. Just because I say you should abuse the point system to build towers dosen't mean you build towers wherever you like. As a rule of thumb, I believe that ideally base should have 2 ress 1 warp, large banners have 1 ress 1 warp, and the rest you can either alternate beween building ress, then warp, or ress and warp, then leave the next tower slots for other stuff. Do make use of portable panals too.

i got this for by xX[L]ight[F]actorXx

hope it ll help u all at war^^

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