Transparent Halo Pointer cabalisfun: December 2010

CABAL Episode V: Mercenaries Trailer

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in

Cabal Episode V: Mercenaries Update Review

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in ,


The new CABAL Online contents – Episode V : Mercenaries - will go live on World wide  . Episode V continues to add exciting new contents for players of all levels to enjoy, including NPC mercenaries, a mailing system and a complete overhaul to the dungeons and drop rate systems.

Continue reading for a full list of the more significant new features of this update. 

Mercenary System

The Mercenaries are NPCs which help you clear dungeons. They aid you in various ways, by attacking monsters that are attacking the player, or by giving buffs to the party or player. In order to summon them you need to have a Mercenary card registered on the Mercenary slot. Basic Mercenary cards can be earned from quests and rarer ones are dropped from dungeons, so it would be a good challenge to try collecting them all.


Each Mercenary is recognized as a party member, so the users cannot excess the maximum party members 7 including Mercenaries.

Cabal Episode 5: Mercenaries

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in ,

ESTSoft has be busy makeing cabal online more polish & balance to players to enjoy and now they have revealed cabal episode 5 MERCENARIES the update is a way of saying thank you to fan and is also a way to end the year. ^_^

now let's have a look at what ESTSoft have set of us fans :-


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