Transparent Halo Pointer cabalisfun: Cabal Episode 4 Patch Unlock~!!

Cabal Episode 4 Patch Unlock~!!

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Episode IV: Porta Inferno (Expansion)

Patch Version: 502
Release Date: 05/14/2010


1. New Region - Porta Inferno
2. Changes to TG (Mission War)
3. New Chaos Arena
4. Increased Level Cap (180) with New Skills
5. Other New Additions
6. Major Changes
7. Major Bug Fixes


In the darkest corner of Nevareth, at the very Gates of Hell, the Dark Clan and their allies are preparing to strike. With the very future of Nevareth at stake a special portal to the region has been opened, as heroes are encouraged to face the resistance head on. Do you have what it takes to rise up to the challenge and stare death in the face?

# Added new map, accessible from the Warp Center in Port Lux
# Added the Introduction Quest ‘Porta Inferno’

* Start NPC: Morison(Officer) in Port Lux
* Level Requirement: 160Lv or above (Class Level 11 or above)

# Location: Second Warp Center in Port Lux (X: 72 / Y: 152)

Three new boss encounters to overcome:
At the head of the Dark Clan’s uprising are three of the most dangerous foes: Manticore, Dark Kimzark and Keshapone Minisha. Each are said to posses great powers and will take the full might of Nevareth’s finest heroes to bring down. For those who are successful fame and fortune await. Yet for those who fail, a painful and excruciating death is a foregone conclusion.

* Manticore

*Dark Kimzark

*Keshapone Minisha

New Titles

The special heroes who manage defeat the Manticore, Dark Kimzark and Keshapone will find their names written into to the history books, with a special title awarded next to their name. This title will not only demand great respect but will also give the holder an increase of alz (of up to 30%) as a reward for their bravery.

Changes to Tierra Gloriosa

Closed Tierra del Bruto, and changed the level limitation of Tierra Gloriosa:

# Force tower/ Legacy Barrier/ Sage’s Ensign/ War gate/ Legacy Weapon’s statistics are different on the different levels of the Mission War.
# The cost of building a Force Tower is also different depending on the level category.
# Different Entrance Fee will be charged for the different channels of the Mission War.

Changes in Selecting a Bringer

* Every Mission War Channel will have a Bringer selected, the same as the highest level bracket:
o Changed 'Bringer' selection method.
o Instead of the existing title of ‘Guardian’, the Character who has been ranked No.1 will be selected as a Bringer automatically (no matter which battle style).
o The system of selecting a Bringer is same as before.
o Added the ranking list on Character UI.
o If the Bringer changes his/her nationality or get out of that certain bracket by Level Up, then the Bringer system will be reset.
* Changed the titles of the Bringer:

NEW Chaos Arena


* Removed the time restriction and usage frequency within a day.
* Chaos Arena has been changed to a Mission Dungeon, available for a maximum of 7 people (i.e. a group dungeon).
* The time limit for the NEW Chaos Arena is 20 minutes.
* If the Character dies during the battle, he/she will be resurrected from the starting point of the dungeon.

Entering the NEW Chaos Arena

* Added the introduction Quest of NEW Chaos Area ‘The Battle Field of Chaos’:
* Start NPC: Henkoff(Officer) in Bloody Ice.
* Level Requirement: 30Lv or above(Class Level 3 or above).

* Enter the specific Portal near Deighton(Grocer) in Bloody Ice.
* Changes in Level of NEW Chaos Arena:

The Entry Items will be dropped in field and will not be craftable by users:


* Existing titles will be maintained and users can get a new title from the NEW Chaos Arena:

Drop List

New Skills and changes of the Maximum Level

Sharpen your weapons and get ready to continue your training, as the level cap is increased from 170 to 180. Find and learn the new skills and finish the next stage of your training with the rank up quest at level 180.

Changes of Maximum Level

* Changed the Character Level limitation to 180 from 170.
* Lv180, Leveling Up Quest
o Quest Name: BSLV UP Special Training, #8.
o Received from relevant Instructor:
1. Hunt 50 of ‘Fire Servants’ in Illusion Castle Radiant Hall
2. Hunt 60 of ‘Demonic Alises’ in Porta Inferno
o ‘BSLV UP Special Training’s detailed Reward:
o Reward: 8,000,000Exp 8,500,000Alz Max SP +5,000.

New Skills
o Users can obtain the New Skill books by drop in Porta Inferno.
o Details

Added the New Buff Skills

* ‘Curse Dodge’ is only applied at debuff skills by other Characters.
* New Skill books will be dropped in ‘Porta Inferno’


1. Provide the Average price of the individual products on Agent Shop:
* As user put some items on the UI of the Agent shop, the average price of that product will be shown automatically
* If the user registered the item with a price below 25% of its average price, a warning UI window will show up.
2. Added ‘Twitter’ functions:
* How to use:
o Enter the command (/twitter) into the chat.
o Cabal Menu> Community> Twitter.
* How to post on the Twitter:
o Enter the ID, Password and message on the Twitter UI. After that, just click the ‘Post button’.
o The user who already registered his/her Twitter information on Twitter UI can put some message into the chat to post.
* As the message completely posted on the wall, User can check it on the UI.
* Shown as CABAL Online when tweeting during the game.
3. Added the New Quest:
* New Vampiric Quest

# Added Core:

* Enhanced Core.
o The existing system using a Enhanced Core instead of Upgrade Core to improve its abilities is same as before.
o Users can use enough number of Enhanced Core like Upgrade Core.
o By using Enhanced Core to improve its ability, user can get 100% success chance up to +6.
* Perfect Core:
o Perfect Core has 100% success chance like before. (Only 1 Core can be used at once)

# Added Daily Quests:

# Added Guild reserves System:

* If character whom joined a guild sells items at NPC shop, 1% of selling price will be saved at guild Warehouse separately.
* Portable FT Panel, Vital Gear, Warp Stone and Skill book sales will all be excluded.
* Only items that have been sold and deleted(cannot be restored) will be saved at guild Warehouse.
* The guild reserve funds will be calculated every Wednesday.
* Applied to Guild Level 2 or above.

# Added '/Coordinates' command.
# Added warning message on chat window when character binding item is dropped.
# Added ‘Premium DX Dungeon’. This additional level of the dungeon will be available via a special entry item sold exclusively in the item shop.


1. New Upgrade System:
* New UI:
o Upgrading an item will now be done via the ‘Item Upgrade’ UI.
* How to use:
o Open the Item Upgrade UI and insert an Item to it.
o Click ‘Auto Registration button’ or Right click the Upgrade Core to use.
o Cabal Menu>Item Upgrade
* Details:
o Number of Upgrade Cores required will vary depending on the upgrade.


+ Using Necessary Core matches to Equipment Level: Upgrade Core(High) for Osmium Grade, Upgrade Core(Medium) for Titanium Grade
+ Users can not use Agent Shop or talk to NPC during the upgrade progress.
+ No extra Alz is required to upgrade.
o Extended upgrading system:
+ Extended the limitation of Item Upgrade Level from +12 to +15.
+ Items upgraded to +15 will receive a special appearance.
o Changes to Item Upgrade Penalty:
+ Currently failed upgrades result in the destruction of the Item or it returning to +0. This has been changed so that the only penalty is the loss of cores and a downgrade of the item grade (i.e. from +7 to +6).

# Changed the amount of MP Absorb:

* The user can absorb MP from just one target.

# Changed amount of Restoring HP, MP potion:

* Restoring amount of HP and MP is different from each type of Portion. (Fixed restoration)

Adjusted stats of certain weapons and armors:

# Removed the restrictions on using Odd Circles:

* Odd Circle use is now unlimited, except in the Panic Cave.
* The character resurrects with full HP when using an Odd Circle.

# Changed Classes’ stats:

* Force Archer
o Raised the rate of the Magic Amp. UP of Arrow ~ Cannon skills/ additional Attack.
o Changed the additional Attack damage of skill ‘Sonic Shooter’.
o Changed the rising rate of stat .
+ Raised the rising rate of Magic Attack per 1 DEX.
+ Raised the rising rate of Defense per 1 INT.
* Force Blader
o Changed the rising rate of stat.
+ Raised the rising rate of Defense per 1 DEX.

# The fields above Lakeside difficulties have been lowered.
# Chatting channels which have passwords will now send out a pop-up window when a user tries to enter the channel by the /join channel command.
# Changed the level requirement for proceeding certain Daily Quests.
# Using Blessing Bead – Plus gives party members additional bonus EXP:

* ‘Blessing Bead - Plus icon’ added at the bottom of the Party information window’s left side.
* The above icon is only displayed when the user is in a Party. If all Party members are not affected, the icon will not be shown.
* Added party bonus when Blessing Bead - Plus is used by the party member(s)

# Changed the names of Daily Quests:

* Changed the names of the Daily Quests to show the proceeding dungeon/ field names.

# Changed the equipped stat of Laikanus weapon(Daikatana, Great Sword):

* Changed the stats (Dex, Str, Int) needed to equip Lycanus weapons to be the same as Mithril weapons.

# Changed the craft material of Proof Items:

* Changed to require +3 items instead of +0 items.
* Red Osmium items require +4 items as it used to be.

# Changed the proceeding system of Quest ‘Flasha's Dignity’:

* First, accept the Quest ‘Flasha's Request Scroll’ with NPC Miles and then proceed the corresponding Quest using the received item.

# Changed the stat of Mithril/Laikanus slot items.
# Changed the Epaulets created from the GiftBox - +7~+8 Epaulet series to become account bound.
# Changed the system confirmation window UI:

* Changed the system confirmation UI with icons and simplified button.

# Improved the Evasion Options system:

* If Evasion of the target is more than 70% (including the basic Evasion 5%), the attack success chance is set to 100% of Evasion.
* While using ‘Intuition’, the Final attack success chance is changed from 52% or 62%(if the Critical Attack rate is 50%) to 5%.
* The corresponding correction is only applied when the user’s attack is not Critical during using the skill.

# Expanded the total number of Quests in process to 10.
# Two weapon skins can be applied to Force Shielder at the same time.
# Changed basic icon in the character resurrect window from Odd Circle to basic resurrect.
# Changed the success message of crafting Fury Potion (Lv 3) not to be broadcasted.
# Changed certain Daily Quests which has Maximum Levels to be invisible except the corresponding level users.
# Item tool tip is automatically renewed when the item list is changed by mouse scroll on Agent Shop.
# Removed the function of whispering by clicking the character’s name with right button.
# Adjusted the basic and increasing value of Blader’s ‘Fatality Increase’ per level(increasing in maximum 8% has not changed, basic 2% per level/ increasing 0.3% are changed).
# Changed the lower rank Skill Books to be sold by the Instructor of Port Lux.
# Changed to allow characters up to level 99 to be deleted by players.

Bug Fixes

1. Corrected the error where if a chat channel was made with the same name and password (for example if a user logged in again with the channel name and password saved) then the user was unable to enter the new chat channel.
2. Corrected the error where the name of a dropped item was invisible when the user moved with dash from the invisible area to visible area.
3. Corrected the error where the quest ‘Like an Old Friend‘ was impossible to carry out due to the skill rank limitation.
4. Corrected the error where the user gets teleported to the starting zone from certain places in Mutant Forest.
5. Corrected the error where the character information window did not get updated while using buff skills.
6. Corrected the error where the former buff remains despite using the same type of buff.
7. Corrected the error of an abnormal message when the user fails to log in.
8. Corrected the error that the effect of 'Art of Sniping', 'Art of Defence' did not work when 'lmmobility resist' was aroused
9. Corrected the error that Illusion stone in Illusion Castle Underworld was able to be looted additionally while the player was already holding one
10. Fixed the error where the stats of Force Bladers were abnormally applied while Force Enchanter was being used
11. Corrected the error of abnormal SP value of rank up quest finished characters below rank 19
12. Correct the error of abnormal EXP of 'Fire Trap' in Illusion Castle Radiant Hall
13. Corrected the error of title options not being applied properly
14. Corrected the error of being disconnected by attacking 'Fire Trap' in Illusion Castle Radiant Hall with a knockback skill
15. Corrected the error that the Craft License quest wasn't able to proceed
16. Corrected the error that the nation icon was shown on non-nation characters
17. Corrected the error that 'Bloody Spirit' and 'Mortal Bane' did not affect the character stats change on character information window
18. Corrected the error that the Outer Invader pet's helmet FX was not shown properly
19. Corrected the error that 'find party' recruitment message covered the area for 'recruit number'
20. Corrected the error of the abnormal restoration amount of life capsules
21. Corrected the error that the map did not automatically close after warp
22. Corrected the error that the character name and level was not displayed on the trade window
23. Corrected the error that characters near by was shown abnormally after warped by resurrection
24. Corrected the error where the Astral shield, Bow and Staffs were not displayed in character select window
25. Corrected the error where the 'dungeon clear' window was shown when 'enter' was pressed on the dungeon complete window
26. Corrected the error which Areptify in Forbidden Island was not able to be clicked
27. Corrected the error that characters were able to resurrect in Panic Cave
28. Corrected the error that a previous guild member was able to be invited to another guild
29. Corrected the error that proceeding to the final boss of Forbidden Island was possible without defeating Morsus
30. Corrected the error that pet options still belonged to the pet when pet untrain kits were used after re-connection
31. Corrected the error that Mitril Glove(FB), Mitril Boots(FB), Mithril Hands(WI), Mithril Shoes(WI) required abnormal amount of honor points when crafting
32. Corrected the error that the camera setting still changed after setting the game options to default
33. Corrected the error where buff potions with similar effects were able to be overlapped.
34. Corrected the error where players were not able to complete the 'Shady Wizards' quest after they were warned of inventory space lack
35. Corrected the error that when a user requests to join a party on 'find party' window and moves to another world, the requestant disconnects from the game
36. Corrected the error where players keep receiving party experience messages even when other party members are in other worlds
37. Corrected the error on the Buddy system where if User A deleted a Buddy Group (and by extension removed everyone in the group from the Buddy list as well) containing User B, User B would still be able to see the status on User A on User B's Buddy List.
38. Corrected error which users could receive more AP than 500 by accomplishing AXP rewarding quests
39. Corrected the error of the party invitation system malfuntion which allowed users to invite themselves to a party when the invitation rights was set to leader invitation only.
40. Corrected error which F1~F12 was not able to be used with the chat window opened
41. Corrected error which the opponent's level was marked as 0 on the trading window

Corrections: Mission War

1. Corrected the error that players would start inside an occupied Base if they joined the Mission War.
2. Reduced the attack ability of all the Legacy Guardians.
3. Corrected the error where the player character is not displayed on the Mission war mini map.
4. Corrected the error of abnormal Vital Gear(HP) restoration amount.
5. Changed the formula of obtaining personal score in some sections of the Mission War.
* Players can obtain double score by destroying towers and attacking other characters only in Section 1, 2, 3 of the Mission War.
6. Changed the system of limiting the number of people who can enter the Mission War.
* If the possible number of people who can enter is under 10, the user does not get valid from the limitation.
7. Changed the system of reward in the Mission War.
* WExp/AXP reward is directly proportional to the personal score. A higher score will receive a bigger reward.
* If a character has a personal score higher than 180: When using Vital Gear (HP, SP) certain % of used Alz is additionally rewarded.
8. Corrected the error where it was possible to equip and un-equip Rings during the construction of Force Towers.
9. Corrected the error where the cool time of Curse Remove, Curse Dodge, and Fatality Increase gets reset when resurrecting after being killed in the Mission War.
10. Corrected the error where the time does not appear when the user opens the item improvement UI.
11. Corrected the error that passwords of new opened group chatting channels during mission war were displayed abnormally
12. Corrected the error where players were disconnected when legacy weapons are still being held while the characters are moved to the lobby due to mission war time ending
13. Corrected the error where the Legacy Guardian production window did not close after taking gaining possession of a strategic point
14. Corrected the error where the user was unable to equip / unequip items when less than 1milion Alz was in their inventory.
15. Corrected the error where the user got disconnected while attempting to join the war with less than 1 million Alz in their inventory.
16. Changed the Mission War rank display method.
* Changed to show the rank information of the lobby + Battlefield.

Credits: Cabal EU

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