Transparent Halo Pointer cabalisfun: [UPDATED] Sneak Peek at Radiant Hall!

[UPDATED] Sneak Peek at Radiant Hall!

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in , , ,


Get a sneak peek at our newest update!

The patch won’t be implemented until July, but you can prepare for it as early as now. Read through the patch notes below and see what’s in store for you next month.

You can also discuss the newest patch through our official forums. Just follow this link and voice out your thoughts! 

1. Added Daily Quests

New quests will be initialized at 12 midnight everyday.

2. Key Mapping and Option Renewal
Set your own shortcut keys while playing the game. A new “Chat” macro has also been added.

3. New MD Illusion Castle Radiant Hall
Characters who are at least level 130 can enter the new location. To enter, you will need the item “Apocalypse of Outer World” (Item name subject to change). The new map is located at Lakeside Illusion Castle (X:171, Y:171) and will award worthy adventurers with honor points and the title “Phantasmal Origin Specialist”* (HP increasing option) (*item names are subject to change).

4. Added Unique Accessory: Drosnin’s Earrings (Item name subject to change)
This new item is for players who are at least level 130. Basic option includes Defense +10, Defense rate +100. Unique options include Defense +5/+10/+15, HP +20/+35/+50 & HP Steal Cap +10/+15/+20. One among these options will be given randomly. The item will be binded to the character and up to two can be equipped.

5. New DX Dungeon: Catacomb Frost
The new dungeon is for characters who are at least level 110. The entrance item required for the new dungeon is the Frozen Clue. The new dungeon is located in “The Altar of the Blizzard” in Bloody Ice.

6. New Party Search and Improved Party System
Characters who don’t have a party can now create a party search by enabling the party shortcut key (default: P). You can now also make a party with people who have the same quests so you and your partymates have one goal, making questing easier! Be reminded though that you won’t be able to use the party search function if you’re in a war channel or DX dungeon.



1.    Improved the mouse cursor.
       Changed the Mouse over Icon by selecting target which is able to attack.
2.    Changed the tool tip of the EXP bar.
       Changed the display of EXP information to show three places of decimals
3.    Changed Menu - Option
       Added Preferences tab
 -     Mute Option
        Added New Option to Game config tab
       Changed to be able to whisper by left clicking the character name on the chatting tab.
-      Show Skill Animation
-      Forced PK
-      Rotate Camera by touching the frame using the mouse
       Removed the option to use Quick slot by number buttons
4.    Changed the way of entering and leaving chat channel.
       Before : Participate / Leave Channel at Chat tab
       After: Participate / Leave Channel at Option > Chat tab configuration
5.    Changed the targeting UI.
       Changed to show the Monster’s level by targetting it
       Gauge Bar : Yellow
6.    Changed the color of combo gauge
7.    Changed the chat tab
       Added a Chat Configuration button inside the Chat tab
       Added Chat mode change tab
       Added new Block message for Sub Password Block.
8.    Added new Block message for Sub Password Block.
9.    Changed the GPS map shape like the map from Mission War
10   Change to be able to invite character by invite command even in different worlds.
11.  Changed to be able to whisper by left clicking the character name on the chatting tab.
12.  Changed 'Anima Lune' to 'Pet' on item description and agent shop category.
13.  Changed to gain at least 1 EXP when you hit the dummy in party
14.  Changed the reward from quest 'Basic fighting' to Skill book
15.  Changed the shop selling price of 'Ring of Evil Spirit' from 0Alz to 100,000 Alz.
       Quest item will not be available for purchasing in the NPC.
16.  Changed the reward from quest 'Core Upgrade Part 1' to Upgrade Core(Low) x 1ea
17.  Changed the newly created character to have the map and warp codes of the three basic towns.
        Before : Require Lv.3 to enter the Warp Center
        After : No Requirement to enter the Warp Center
18.  Changed location of Instructor Harper in Port Lux (Next to Core Alchemist)
19.  Stopped dropping Miracle Key's craft materials.
20.  Changed Default font size
       Before: Tahoma 12.5
       After: Tahoma 12.0
21.  Changed difficulty of some gathering quests.
22.  Changed the drop rate of Excavator in Fort. Ruina to 100%
23.  Change the information display window about Battle / Aura mode icon
       Before: Right upper side
       After: Bottom of Character Information Tab
24.  Changed material of Fury Potions
       Fury Potion(LV 1)
       Empty Bottle x 1ea   
       Powerless Core x 1ea   
       Air Disk (Medium) x 3ea
       Fury Potion(LV 2)   
       Powerful Core x 1ea   
       Fury Potion(LV1) x 1ea   
       Air Disk(High) x 3ea
       Fury Potion(LV 3)       
       Shining Yellow Powder x 1ea   
       Fury Potion(LV2)
25.  Changed the belt accessories to able to get destroyed using Transmuter.
26.  Changed the free users to be able to open the Premium Item tab as well.
27.  Changed the drop location of Powerful Core and Powerless Core.
28.  Changed the way the quest scrolls are displayed above NPC's head.
       Before : By receiving a Quest regardless to the status of it, a ‘gray open scroll’ was shown above
       After : By receiving a Quest only NPC’s which you can proceed your Quest will have above Yellow
       open scroll’
29.  Changed the maximum Quest (from 5 to 7)
30.  Changed to also mark the dungeon related quests on the GPS.
31.  Changed the icon of player, quest and party member from the Mini map
32.  Changed the message to select Server and Character at Option.
33.  Changed the Channel Chat option to save the Channel which you participated.
34.   Increase in the Number of Premium Channels
35.   Modified Drops on Patren's Dungeon


1.    Corrected error which was still showing the scroll above the NPC after giving up quest.
2.    Corrected error that the Battlemode tooltip did not disappear when the inventory is opened.
3.    Corrected error that player couldn't level up by Party bonus EXP.
4.    Corrected error of abnormal Bike movement inside Dungeons.
5.    Corrected error of abnormal display of Skill Amplification.

[Mission War Changes]
1.    Corrected the abnormal display of Force Tower HP when Force Blader attacks Force Tower using    
       Force Assault skill.
2.    Added 'Vital Gear HP x 100ea', 'Vital Gear SP x 100ea' to Mission War Shop/Vendor.

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