Transparent Halo Pointer cabalisfun: Steamer Crazy Guide

Steamer Crazy Guide

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in ,

Steamer Crazy Guide

Here’s a guide on how to complete the Steamer Crazy DX Dungeon. This dungeon is fairly easy to solo depending on the difficulty you choose. As difficulty increases, so does attack power, hit points and defense of the mobs and bosses increases. Higher difficulty also means nicer drops. Unlike in the Panic Cave, you are allowed to die in this dungeon and will spawn at the beginning.

Requirements: Ruined Train Card

Duration: 20 mins.

Required Level: 110

Entrance to the dungeon is located in Fort Ruina

1. As you enter the dungeon, you will be met with 2 kinds of mobs: Steam Mechapes and Steam Mechape Archers. In order to proceed, you have to kill the mobs until the next area is unlocked.

Note: Killing a random key mob will unlock the next area. Try to hit as many of them as possible to increase the chance of killing the right one

2. As you proceed to the next room, you will encounter another two kinds of mobs: Steam Floaters and Steam Hounds. Just like in the previous area, you have to kill the mobs until the 3 Steam Copters spawn in the previous area.

Note: Killing a random key mob will spawn the 3 Steam Copters. Try to hit as many of them as possible in order to increase the chances of killing the right one.

3. Go back to the previous area and kill the 3 Steam Copters.

4. Proceed to the front of the train past the Steam Floaters until you reach a wall. Destroy the wall. Behind the wall is the 1st boss; a Steam Penna.

5. Kill the Steam Penna. You would like to move at the center to move out of range from the Steam Floaters at your back. After you kill Steam Penna, a chest will fall. Open the chest and move to the next area.

6.a. In the next room, look for a small moving box called Steaky. Kill Steaky.

6.b. After killing Steaky, move at the front of the train and destroy the wall. You should be quick in destroying the wall otherwise Steaky will respawn and you must kill him again in order to break down the wall.

7. Proceed at the front end of the area until you reach a portal. Wait for the Final Boss to spawn: Steamer LHJ-86C. You will be given a "warning" signal as he spawns in front of the portal.

8. Kill the boss. As you kill him, a message will appear saying that Steamer is refueling. While in this state, Steamer increases its attack power and defense. Try to hit him with high damaging attacks while he is refueling to prevent him from going into "topped off" state. If Steamer topped off, his attack and defense will greatly increase. Chopping about 25% of his hit points is enough to prevent him from topping off. After doing this twice, he will use his special skills: throwing flames and setting up mines. Note that the damage of his special skills is directly proportional to the number of times he topped off. The more times you allowed him to top off, the greater his attack power and the greater his defense will be.

9. After killing Steamer, a chest will appear. Open the chest and click on the portal. You can now exit the dungeon. Congratulations! You have finished the Steamer Crazy DX Dungeon.

Congratulations! You have finished Radiant Hall ^_^

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