The new UPDATE ll have ver3 :~
Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in info
~Altar Of Siena B2F & Panic Cave
AOS B2F tell a stroy of a Plant Clan, started her plans to rule over all of Nevareth. It started with her slow, insidious rise to power in the Plant Clan, and culminated in her taking over complete mastery of the Clan and bending it to her will. She has been conducting terrible experiments in her fortress hidden in the Mutant Forest, aided by her sister and her servants, and she stands ready to attack the very structure of Nevareth, in order to gain dominance as the queen of the world. Siena also hides a terrifying secret, knowledge of which can change Nevareth forever, for good or for ill...hehe this is 4 u 2 go n fine out liao^.^
Panic Cave is a mysterious cave deep in Desert Scream, with a fantastic treasure hidden at the end of it. Several parties of explorers and treasure hunters have left to try to claim this treasure for themselves, following in the footsteps of the famous explorer Showarai. None have returned.... agn this is 4 u 2 go n fine out also =p
~ Blended Runes
# Blended Runes are created at the NPC Flasha in Bloody Ice by combining specific Essence
Runes and Cores. Once created the Blended Rune needs Ability Points to be equipped, and
the Rune needs to be selected to be active during combat.
# Ability points are collected after level 120 by killing monsters. It can be increased with the
use of premium, blessing beads and the AXP beads.
# A list of Runes can be seen blow

~Guild Expansion
# Guild Level will have the ability to level up to level 5, with each level bringing new rewards.
The Guild Level is based on the accumulated Ability Points of the members, and each level
will have the following benefits:
Level 1: Up to 30 members.
Level 2: Up to 60 members, 1 page in the guild warehouse, 100 million Alz able to be stored in the guild bank
Level 3: Up to 90 members, 2 pages in the guild warehouse, 400 million Alz able to be stored in the guild bank
Level 4: Up to 120 members, 3 pages in the guild warehouse, 700 million Alz able to be stored in the guild bank
Level 5: Up to 150 members, 4 pages in the guild warehouse, 1 billion Alz able to be stored in the guild bank
#Guild Warehousecan be accessed through any Agent of Port Service in Nevareth, and allows a
guild to store items, materials and money in a common storage point. Any guild member can
add items and money to the guild warehouse, but only those authorised by the guild master
will be able to remove items. There is also a secure log showing exactly who accessed the
warehouse at which times, and what they added or removed.
#Guild Masters will also enjoy greater flexibility in the creation of guild groups, and will also be
able to keep exact track of when last a guild member was active.
(Im not so sure how it work but i ll try 2 fine out more 4 u all =p)
~A New Linking System
# The System ll show u details such as location and stats of you itemsSimple and easy to use, it
has a number of practical benefits such as assisting you in the sale of an item or arranging a
meeting place with your group.
~ A New Binding System
# The new item-binding system will allow certain items to drop as either character-bound,
which prevents the trade of an item from a character once looted, or character-bound on
equip, which enables an item to be traded until it is equipped for the first time. Items that are
character bound will not be able to be stored in the warehouse, while the bind-on-equip items
can be traded until they are equipped. This change has enabled an increase to the drop-rate of
higher level equipment.
~Changes & Bug Fixes
# Dummy could only be used by characters above level 90. This has now been removed and the
Dummy can now be used by all characters until 30% of the skill level has been achieved.
# Remove Entrance Item for Several Dungons. Entrance items have been removed for Undead
Ground, Forgotten Ruin, Mutant Forest and Pontus Ferrum . All players will now be able to
enter this map without requiring an entrance item.
#Faster Backwrds Movement useing 'S' on the keyboard ll now allow u to move backwards
#Changes & Bug Fixes:~
*Warp Stones. These stones will be sold at the NPC shops all over Nevareth, and will allow Premium members of the nation without the winning bonus to enjoy the convenience of the premium warp points in the Mutant Forest and Port Lux.
*New Map information. The GPS map will now display even more information, adding the location of dungeon entrances as well as information about the entry requirements for each dungeon, and more information about the warp gates and warp points on every map.
*Upgrading to +12. You now have the option to upgrade your items to +12, past the previous limit of +9.
*Visible Party Search functionality. Looking for a party to go levelling with? You can now have this status visible next to your name above your character, assisting you with finding people to go with you.
*Automatic stat-point distribution. No more worrying about how to distribute the stats gained from levelling up, as you can now automatically distribute your stat points according to the recommended build for each class.
*‘Multi Sampling' function in the game graphic options. This added function - found under the graphics Options for the game - will improve the look of the game.
*Shadow Shield FX made visible. The Force Shielder Shadow Shield buff skill now has a visible animation whenever it absorbs damage.
~Altar Of Siena B2F & Panic Cave
AOS B2F tell a stroy of a Plant Clan, started her plans to rule over all of Nevareth. It started with her slow, insidious rise to power in the Plant Clan, and culminated in her taking over complete mastery of the Clan and bending it to her will. She has been conducting terrible experiments in her fortress hidden in the Mutant Forest, aided by her sister and her servants, and she stands ready to attack the very structure of Nevareth, in order to gain dominance as the queen of the world. Siena also hides a terrifying secret, knowledge of which can change Nevareth forever, for good or for ill...hehe this is 4 u 2 go n fine out liao^.^
Panic Cave is a mysterious cave deep in Desert Scream, with a fantastic treasure hidden at the end of it. Several parties of explorers and treasure hunters have left to try to claim this treasure for themselves, following in the footsteps of the famous explorer Showarai. None have returned.... agn this is 4 u 2 go n fine out also =p
~ Blended Runes
# Blended Runes are created at the NPC Flasha in Bloody Ice by combining specific Essence
Runes and Cores. Once created the Blended Rune needs Ability Points to be equipped, and
the Rune needs to be selected to be active during combat.
# Ability points are collected after level 120 by killing monsters. It can be increased with the
use of premium, blessing beads and the AXP beads.
# A list of Runes can be seen blow

~Guild Expansion
# Guild Level will have the ability to level up to level 5, with each level bringing new rewards.
The Guild Level is based on the accumulated Ability Points of the members, and each level
will have the following benefits:
Level 1: Up to 30 members.
Level 2: Up to 60 members, 1 page in the guild warehouse, 100 million Alz able to be stored in the guild bank
Level 3: Up to 90 members, 2 pages in the guild warehouse, 400 million Alz able to be stored in the guild bank
Level 4: Up to 120 members, 3 pages in the guild warehouse, 700 million Alz able to be stored in the guild bank
Level 5: Up to 150 members, 4 pages in the guild warehouse, 1 billion Alz able to be stored in the guild bank
#Guild Warehousecan be accessed through any Agent of Port Service in Nevareth, and allows a
guild to store items, materials and money in a common storage point. Any guild member can
add items and money to the guild warehouse, but only those authorised by the guild master
will be able to remove items. There is also a secure log showing exactly who accessed the
warehouse at which times, and what they added or removed.
#Guild Masters will also enjoy greater flexibility in the creation of guild groups, and will also be
able to keep exact track of when last a guild member was active.
(Im not so sure how it work but i ll try 2 fine out more 4 u all =p)
~A New Linking System
# The System ll show u details such as location and stats of you itemsSimple and easy to use, it
has a number of practical benefits such as assisting you in the sale of an item or arranging a
meeting place with your group.
~ A New Binding System
# The new item-binding system will allow certain items to drop as either character-bound,
which prevents the trade of an item from a character once looted, or character-bound on
equip, which enables an item to be traded until it is equipped for the first time. Items that are
character bound will not be able to be stored in the warehouse, while the bind-on-equip items
can be traded until they are equipped. This change has enabled an increase to the drop-rate of
higher level equipment.
~Changes & Bug Fixes
# Dummy could only be used by characters above level 90. This has now been removed and the
Dummy can now be used by all characters until 30% of the skill level has been achieved.
# Remove Entrance Item for Several Dungons. Entrance items have been removed for Undead
Ground, Forgotten Ruin, Mutant Forest and Pontus Ferrum . All players will now be able to
enter this map without requiring an entrance item.
#Faster Backwrds Movement useing 'S' on the keyboard ll now allow u to move backwards
#Changes & Bug Fixes:~
*Warp Stones. These stones will be sold at the NPC shops all over Nevareth, and will allow Premium members of the nation without the winning bonus to enjoy the convenience of the premium warp points in the Mutant Forest and Port Lux.
*New Map information. The GPS map will now display even more information, adding the location of dungeon entrances as well as information about the entry requirements for each dungeon, and more information about the warp gates and warp points on every map.
*Upgrading to +12. You now have the option to upgrade your items to +12, past the previous limit of +9.
*Visible Party Search functionality. Looking for a party to go levelling with? You can now have this status visible next to your name above your character, assisting you with finding people to go with you.
*Automatic stat-point distribution. No more worrying about how to distribute the stats gained from levelling up, as you can now automatically distribute your stat points according to the recommended build for each class.
*‘Multi Sampling' function in the game graphic options. This added function - found under the graphics Options for the game - will improve the look of the game.
*Shadow Shield FX made visible. The Force Shielder Shadow Shield buff skill now has a visible animation whenever it absorbs damage.
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