Upcomeing New Guild Features
Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in info
So what is the new guild features..??
i ll tell you what^^
We can start out with the fact that guilds will now have levels, from a level 1 guild to a level 5 guild. Every level has certain limitations, most notably in the number of members that a guild will be allowed to have in it.
Level 1 -- 30 members
Level 2 -- 60 members
Level 3 -- 90 members
Level 4 -- 120 members
Level 5 -- 150 members
if something has a level then that level should be possible to be improved, and the guild levels are no exception. The guild level will be based on guild points, according to the following simple formula.
Level 1 -- start here
Level 2 -- 3 000
Level 3 -- 15 000
Level 4 -- 40 000
Level 5 -- 80 000
So once a guild gets 3000 guild points it will become a level 2 guild, and receive all the privileges of a level 2 guild, until it reaches 15 000 points and it becomes a level 3 guild. So far so good. The next obvious question is: Where do guild points come from? Again the answer is fairly simple: It's just the total Ability Points (AP) of all the members of the guild. So play the game, gain AP, and help your guild level up. Players below level 120 - which is the lowest level where you can gain AP - will still be contributing AS IF they were gaining AP, at the same rate as the level 120-129 level group (75% of the gained Experience, if memory serves).
This discussion would not be complete without talking about the benefits of levelling the guild. A guild that has reached level 2 will have access to the Guild Warehouse, a whole new inventory page that can be opened from any Agent of Port Service NPC ingame. This inventory will allow any member of the guild to add items and alz, but only selected members will be able to remove items or alz from guild storage. Here's the quick rundown of the limits imposed by the different guild levels, in terms of how many inventory pages there will be, and how much alz can be stored.
Level 1 -- Nothing
Level 2 -- 1 inventory page and 100 000 000 (100 million) alz
Level 3 -- 2 inventory pages and 400 000 000 (400 million) alz
Level 4 -- 3 inventory pages and 700 000 000 (700 million) alz
Level 5 -- 4 inventory pages and 1 000 000 000 (1 billion) alz
Each inventory page has 10 slots where items can be stored, and each slot can store up to 20 identical items.
See the image below for what the warehouse looks like.
The warehouse also allows you to stack items automatically - it finds identical items and stacks them in one slot - and you can add and withdraw items with ctrl-click - exactly as with any other inventory ingame. What is important is that initially only the Guild Master will have access to withdraw items, unless he or she decides to give that access to specific guild groups. Another useful function (well, I would call it essential) is the fact that the usage history of the warehouse is clearly visible. I attach a screenshot of the warehouse log, and it will track the last 100 entries. Blader04 is the name of the character I used this morning, and you can see the date, time and what I took, or put into the warehouse. Of course the log does not show what was in the slot of a piece of equipment for example, but overall this is something that is going to be of clear benefit to the guilds that actually work and play together.
There is also a minor change to the way that the Guild Master can create groups, and the option is also there to now give more responsibility to the various guild group. It should be fairly clear from the screenshot, that specific groups can be authorised to create new groups which was previously only for the Guild Master, as well as set the access level to the guild warehouse.
In the next screenshot you can also see the added information when you open the guild menu. You can see the date the guild was created, the number of members allowed, the number of guild points you have, guild level, name and the name of the Guild Master. You can also now, if you hover your mouse pointer over a member's name, see the last time they logged in, which can be useful for clearing a guild of inactive members (or perhaps move them to one of the new groups you have created).
New guild information
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