Transparent Halo Pointer cabalisfun: Soul Ability System

Soul Ability System

Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in ,

Soul Ability System is a new system that allows player to earn ability EXP known as AXP. AXP can be earned along with EXPs. AXP will then be converted to AP which can be used to learn passive skills. Soul Ability System is an additional point system that is gained separately with EXP or Skill EXP; however there is a minimum level requirement (Level 120 or above) for it.
What is AXP?
AXP (Ability EXP) is a sort of EXP that will support the game play to be more exciting as character levels up. Earning AXPs is same as earning of EXPs. However, different from EXP, AXP has a different conversion rate by level.
What is AP?
AP is the point/unit that is converted from AXP that is required from Soul Ability System.
Conversion is at 10 million (10kk; 10,000,000) AXP = 1 Ability Point (AP)
AP is currently capped at 500 units.
Besides the addition of AXP and AP in the Soul Ability System, there is also the Essence Rune.
Essence Rune is item that can be used to learn passive skills or upgrade items such as cores. They are gained from hunting and also tradable. Players will need to amass AP in order to equip new Soul Ability, and to level their current learnt Soul Abilities along with other entities. There are total of 26 Runes available. You can only equip or learn maximum of 13 Essence Runes or skills. Essence Runes are tradable items and already equipped or learned Runes can be removed. Once the Rune is removed, it has to be learned again from LV. 1

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