Soul & Sienna Update [NEW FEATURE] Soul Ability
Posted by cabalisfun | Posted in Guide , info
Notice the NEW bar on top of the experience bar. {BOX UP AREA}
I quote the following from
▶ Test Server Update Summary
■ Misc. Fix.
* Fixed the error in Altar of Sienna where Jeh-alu doesn't use instant movement.
* Fixed error where Concentration Potion Lv2 would not register in AH
■ New Changes
* In Nation War/PK/PvP, damage calculation is altered by the level difference between the opponents
- If opponent is lower level, the damage you receive can be reduced from 1% to 20%.
- If level difference is over 20, the dmg. reduction is 20%
* Minimum damage option calculation changed
* Pontus Ferrum mob spawn time reduced
* Jukebox icon change dot Soul Ability icon.
■ Additions
* Soul Ability System added
- Soul Ability Window added (shortcut key: U)
- At Lv120, Ability Experience can be accumulated via hunting mobs and nation war
- You can get Ability Point by earning Ability Experience.
- You can use Ability Point to upgrade ability Item stat/level
- In test server you will be given 300 Ability Point at Lvl 120
* Ability Item added
- There are 26 Essence Rune that gives passive mode stats
- Essence Rune requires Ability Point /Specific Rune item
- During test server, you can register essence rune in any maps
* Sigmetal Equipment/Epaulet added
- You can get them at Altar of Sienna
* Auto Attack Option hotkey added
- Ctrl + A, Shift + A to turn it off/on
* Jukebox Window option added
* Nation War Warp Point added
- Mutant Forest Altar of Sienna entrance warp added
* Altar of Sienna Boss alarm message added
* When Altar of Sienna monsters use patternal attacks or chatting message, you will be notified
■ Mission Wars
* Nation Mission Rewards changed
A. Old rewards
- You get 1x Core Cube for getting 30 individual points
- After war, you can get Alz + Core Cube
B. New rewards
- If you get 30 individual points, you will get 1x Buff Capsule Cube.
- Lvl 52 ~ 94 tier war gets 1x Buff Capsule Cube (Low)
- Lvl 95 ~ 149 tier war gets 1x Buff Capsule Cube (Medium)
- Lvl 150 ~ 170 tier war gets 1x Buff Capsule Cube (High)
- All nation war fee and construction fee given by Alz
* Buff Capsule Cube item added
- Buff Capsule Cube gives random items e.g. 'Hardness Capsule(LV1) ~ Hardness Capsule(LV8)'
- Hardness Capsule gives defense increasing buff effect (Can be sold to NPC/ Cannot be traded amongst characters)
- Buff Capsule Cube Low/Medium/High gives different types of Hardness Capsule type
As well as the release of SIGMetal armours.

this update is tkz to lightfactor ^^